- by your leave
- Общая лексика: извинение за сделанное без спроса, с вашего позволения, с вашего разрешения
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
by-your-leave — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : a request for permission look over one s correspondence without so much as a by your leave Frances Towers * * * /buy yeuhr leev /, n. an apology for not having sought permission. [1910 15] * * * by your leave «BY yuhr LEEV,… … Useful english dictionary
by your leave — by (or with) your leave with your permission with your leave, I will send him your address … Useful english dictionary
take your leave — take (your) leave to go away from a gathering. Barlow could only manage a few brief words before taking his leave of this group of happy supporters … New idioms dictionary
take your leave — old fashioned phrase to say goodbye Thesaurus: goodbyes and to say goodbyehyponym ways of saying hellosynonym Main entry: leave … Useful english dictionary
with your leave — ˌby/ˌwith your ˈleave idiom (formal) with your permission Main entry: ↑leaveidiom … Useful english dictionary
by-your-leave — noun Date: 1894 a request for permission < imposed…without so much as a by your leave J. L. Granatstein > … New Collegiate Dictionary
by-your-leave — noun Alternative spelling of by your leave … Wiktionary
without so much as a by your leave — old fashioned phrase rudely, without asking permission She came in without so much as a by your leave and started telling us what to do. Thesaurus: impolite and rudesynonym Main entry: leave * * * without ( … Useful english dictionary
without a by your leave; without so much as a by your leave — without a ˌby your ˈleave; without so much as a ˌby your ˈleave idiom (old fashioned) without asking permission; rudely • He walked straight in, without so much as a by your leave. Main entry: ↑leaveidiom … Useful english dictionary
without so much as a by-your-leave — old fashioned if you say that someone does something without so much as a by your leave, you mean you are angry because they did not ask your permission to do it. That s twice now he s just marched in here without so much as a by your leave and… … New idioms dictionary
without a by your leave — without (so much as) a by your leave old fashioned : without asking permission He borrowed my car without so much as a by your leave! • • • Main Entry: ↑leave … Useful english dictionary